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Poetry by Issue



This is a zine of anarchy’s poetry. Its mission is to allow for the communication of everybody’s ideas; this includes: freedom fighters, peaceful protesters, rioters, vegitarians, feminists, anti-racists, communists, anarchists, syndicalists, socialists, union organizers, individualists, primitivists, communalists, traditionalists, eco-defenders, abolitionists, local activists, philosophers, metaphisicians, buddhists, chaosists, muslims, christians, witches, food distributors, hackers, musicians, punks, hippies, yippies, black panthers, independence fighters, libertarians, enslaved, prisoners of war, political prisoners, wrongfully incarcerated, prisoners of consciousness, civil liberties advocates, zine editors, college organizers, poppetistas... and everybody else who thinks that this world needs to be changed and has any poetry to share with the world (language, length, style... not important).


  1. Prison Survival (four piece) by VolodyA! V A (audio)
  2. "There is a day" by VolodyA! V A
  3. "Turn tv on, watch the news" by VolodyA! V A
  4. "As I sit here in my cell looking out at the night" by Lee Himlin
  5. Not One of Us by VolodyA! V A
  6. "As I am looking out my window" by Eric Wildcat Hall
  7. Conversation by John Rety
  8. Scape Goat by VolodyA! V A
  9. Ertsd Meg by John Rety
  10. Uncertainty for Sale by John Rety
  11. The Orchid by John Rety
  12. I-N-S-I-G-H-T by Ojore N. Lutalo

Looking back

Looking back at this issue you can see that it wasn’t the best possible work; first of all it starts out with three of my poems in a row and has the total 5 to 7 ration between my pieces and all the rest. What i liked (and what i’ve received quite some praise for) was my list of other magazines (most were "official") that published poetry, and the addresses of Free Books to Prisoners collectives. The version of the first issue that i distribute right now differs slightly from the original... i have added few more addresses, corrected some (not all, unfortunately) typos, and of course changed the address to the one i’m currently using.



This is anarchy’s zine of poetry. It’s mission is to allow for the communication of everybody’s ideas. This zine will not practice any sort of censorship to avoid the great number of contradictions that necessarily arise from it. No matter what you ideas are and how much anybody (including me) disagrees with those ideas your poetry will be included if you send it in (language, length and style are obviously not important). Now with this out of the way. Enjoy the Anarchy, Enjoy the Zine, and Enjoy the Poetry!


  1. Addiction by VolodyA! V A
  2. American Corruption by Maurice Bush-El
  3. Anarchy vs ___________ by VolodyA! V A
  4. Bad, Bad Black Block by Anthony Rayson
  5. Black Liberation Army by Nuh Abdul-Qayyam
  6. By Way of Introduction... by Nuh Abdul-Qayyam
  7. Chanting Amadla by Anonymous
  8. Confused Dictionary by VolodyA! V A
  9. Connection by VolodyA! V A
  10. Cynosure by david gilbert
  11. DadA by VolodyA! V A
  12. De Nature of Kkkapitalism by Uhuru Sasa Mangwiro A Sadiki
  13. Embrace by david gilbert
  14. Fickle, Fickle, Massive War by Anthony Rayson
  15. Freedom by John Rety
  16. I Become a Political Traitor by Sara Littlecrow-Russe
  17. It was the night before Christmas by Maurice Bush-El
  18. Jus' Curious by Fred Hampton Jr
  19. Loving To Be Struggling To Be Free by Veronza Bowers
  20. May I Become At All Times by Anon
  21. Memo Please Look into This by John Rety
  22. Mo(u)rning by VolodyA! V A
  23. Moan on a Sunday Afternoon by John Rety
  24. Nursery Rhymes Omega by Anthony Rayson
  25. Old Brother Hampton by Anthony Rayson
  26. Our Politics ... in 17 Syllables by david gilbert
  27. Patton by VolodyA! V A
  28. Queen of Wars by Anthony Rayson
  29. Quiet Repose by Rodney Jardina
  30. Simple Simon Started Screamin'! by Anthony Rayson
  31. Tell Us Another by John Rety
  32. Thank You God by Atma Kaur Khalsa
  33. Time by Nuh Abdul-Qayyam
  34. What's in a Word by John Rety
  35. When Will It End by Florida Prisoner
  36. Young People Future by Maurice Hush-El
Looking back



OK, this zine is still 100% censorship free and i intend to keep it this way. Many anarchist papers and zines out there are afraid of no-censorship policies probably because they are trying to create a homogeneous movement. It has been my realization that even an attempt to do such a thing would be anti-revolutionary so i’ll be allowing everyone to speak out…

Just be sure that if anyone sends in some ismic or phobic crap… it will be countered with something i or somebody else wrote… Enjoy.


  1. ______ (blank) by VolodyA! V A
  2. ADDICTED TO RELIGION by Sean Lambert
  4. Change by Reuben Jones
  5. Continuint Struggles of the Post- and Avant-God by Earl Coleman
  6. Denomination by Michael Jahliv
  7. Don't Judge Me by Sianna Leavy
  8. Guilty of Loving You by Warren H Moore
  9. HYPOCRITE by Sean Lambert
  10. I REFUSE by Sean Lambert
  11. In A Heavy Way by Spoon Jackson
  12. Ironic, yes by Chrisopher Dye
  13. Looking out of the window by VolodyA! V A
  14. MACHO PIG by Sean Lambert
  15. Messianic by The Pox
  16. Murder is murder by Chrisopher Dye
  17. PC Anarchy by Anthony Rayson
  18. Regime Has a Dream by VolodyA! V A
  19. Remote Sensing by Twitch
  20. Tenant by John Rety
  21. To the President by VolodyA! V A
  22. Vida Nocturna (night-life) by The Pox

Looking back





  1. 911 by Rob Thaxton
  2. Africa by Maya Angelou
  3. ANARCHIST LOVE SONG (Green And Black) by Bonnie & Clyde
  4. As We Drop Bombs by Ali Khalid Abdullah
  5. CONTEMPT by Any Afterail
  6. Doing Nothing by Dennis Saleh
  7. EULOGY by bill s
  8. Feral by tom p
  9. FOR DIANA OUGHTON by Anonimous
  10. FOR TED by sue h
  12. GIVE THEM A HOME by Sean Lambert
  13. HAIKU OR TWO by todd r
  14. I loudly proclaim Peace, but my voice cannot survive by Feffrey Lynn Sutton
  15. In This Dead End by RAWA
  16. LIBERATION by Sean Lambert
  17. Loneliness is killing me by Reginald Thomas
  18. open letter to the poor fella who lost dream house to the ELF by Tatonka
  19. Portly Dick Cheney by Anthony Rayson
  20. Racism... by VolodyA! V A
  21. Santa Fe Suit by The Pox
  22. Still I Rise by Maya Angelou
  23. STRESS OUT by Sean Lambert
  24. Tarmac Truth by The Pox
  25. The heroes are the by eli yates
  26. Time To Catchup To Time To Catchup To Time by Twitch
  27. United We're Bland by Anthony Rayson
  28. Warden (who thinks he's black) by Anonimous

Looking back





  1. (De)Composition of Then by Kevin Tucker
  2. 2001 Yearbook USA by VolodyA! V A
  3. Abandon Automobile by Jason Kohser
  4. ABUSIVE FUTURE by Sean Lambert
  5. AGEISM SUCKS by Sean Lambert
  6. Ape's Paternoster by John Moore
  7. Astrophysics by VolodyA! V A
  8. BEHIND THESE WALLS by Sean Lambert
  9. BURN THE FLAG by Sean Lambert
  10. CAPITALIST BASTARDS by Sean Lambert
  11. Captured by Evil
  12. Dawn Draggon Death by Drew Frantzen
  13. Devil's Den by Carey Ragan
  14. Dialog With Hate by VolodyA! V A
  15. Dickery, Trickery Dare by Anthony Rayson
  17. Dog He Would A-Spewing Go by Anthony Rayson
  18. Dreamings by VolodyA! V A
  19. Dumb, Dumb the Voodoo Son by Anthony Rayson
  20. EXAMINE YOUR LIFE by Sean Lambert
  21. FAG LOVER by Sean Lambert
  22. Fat-A-Make, Bake-A-Fake, Slacker Man! by Anthony Rayson
  23. FOOD NOT BOMBS by Sean Lambert
  24. For All the Victims by Anonimous
  25. Four and Twenty by Anthony Rayson
  26. FRIENDS by Sean Lambert
  27. FUCK SEXIST HIP HOP by Sean Lambert
  28. FUCK YOU by Sean Lambert
  29. Georgie's Gorging by Anthony Rayson
  30. Her by VolodyA! V A
  31. Hey, Drooling Spittle by Anthony Rayson
  32. Hold Me Jesus by Rich Mullins
  33. Humouresque by VolodyA! V A
  34. I gonna be curbin for life by The L
  35. I know why the caged bird sings by Paul Laurence Dunbar
  36. I'm Free by Johnny Byrd
  38. IWW by VolodyA! V A
  39. Jack & Jill Got Shot by Anthony Rayson
  40. JUST ANOTHER SONG by Sean Lambert
  41. Lil Jack Horny by Twitch
  42. Little Boy Blagoyevich by Anthony Rayson
  43. Lost and Found by VolodyA! V A
  44. Mail doesn't come like it used to by Jason B Caro
  45. Man Who Ordered Fire by VolodyA! V A
  46. MAN-MADE DISEASE by Sean Lambert
  47. Mary Had a Murdered Flock by Anthony Rayson
  48. MOST PEOPLE ARE DICKS by Sean Lambert
  49. Myopic Progression by Steven Daniels
  50. NO MORE LABELS by Sean Lambert
  51. No More Leaders by Twitch
  52. Ode to Officer Casas by Twitch
  53. Ol' Nat by Anthony Rayson
  54. PLEA FOR SOCIAL CHANGE by Sean Lambert
  55. Prison Survival by VolodyA! V A
  56. Rebel Without a Kaas by ZUNO DNA
  57. Reflections by Rashid Sha'ir
  58. Religion stops the thinking mind by VolodyA! V A
  60. Shame on BBC by Garry Bradford
  61. SICK FUCKING WORLD by Sean Lambert
  62. SMASH THE STATE by Sean Lambert
  63. SMILE AND BE HAPPY by Sean Lambert
  65. Something About Her by Dawn Jackson
  66. Son's Shame by Desi R Sykes
  67. STOP ANIMAL TESTING by Sean Lambert
  69. SYSTEM KILLS by Sean Lambert
  70. Take It Away by Anastasia Dale Guillony
  71. Ten Commandments for the Damned by Twitch
  72. The guards yelled a slur or two by VolodyA! V A
  73. There Was A Crooked Crook by Anthony Rayson
  74. They Say Life Goes On by Adam Stacey
  75. They tell me man from monkeys came by Guy Lockwood
  76. Untitled by Antonio Elmo Mims
  77. Victory Landscape by Val Smith
  78. Water in the Sands by Kent Anthony Krueger
  79. We are always wrong by VolodyA! V A
  80. We Rose by Kristina Kay
  81. WE'RE A HAPPY FAMILY by Sean Lambert
  82. WHAT GOOD IS IT by Sean Lambert
  83. When The Lights Go Out by Juan Guevara
  84. Why by VolodyA! V A
  85. With Hegel and Marx I Stand for Negation by Sam Friedman
  86. WORDS ON A LYRIC SHEET by Sean Lambert
  87. YOU CAN'T CONTROL ME by Sean Lambert

Looking back




  1. 23rd Psalm by Vicki Hunold
  2. 3D VISIONS BEHIND GLASS by Reginald S Lewis
  3. 4th by greg gribble
  4. All these abstractions by josh mover
  5. already this morning by Andrew Penland
  6. Anarchist by greg gribble
  7. androgynous by Andrew Penland
  8. ANGEL by Jo-Julien Hicks
  9. Are You Down For Me Now by Jo-Julien Hicks
  10. ARE YOU REALLY THAT STUPID (ru) by Sean Lambert
  11. ARE YOU REALLY THAT STUPID by Sean Lambert
  12. Ball and chain by Casey Rodriguez
  13. Being spoiled by America by Nicole D Rhoe
  14. blinded by burt
  15. Blue Sky by cord
  16. Bottome Line
  17. BURN THIS SYSTEM DOWN by Sean Lambert
  18. Can I Call You Friend by Jay Powers
  19. Center of my Universe by Donald M Carter
  20. Clearing up facts by JR
  21. Climatic Cofusion by Buddy Unrue
  22. Clouds of hate by Casey Rodriguez
  23. Consumed In Thought by Anthony Godfrey
  24. Cry of A Lonely Heart by Michael Ruth
  25. DAY IN THE LIFE by Sean Lambert
  26. Dead Without Weeping by Trevor Purkett
  27. Dear God by Marion Wilson
  28. Deathless by Jay Powers
  29. Destiny's Road by Rubin Linares
  30. DIFFERENT WORLD by Sean Lambert
  31. Dishwasher by Jim Seymour
  32. dismantled-ifesto by Andrew Penland
  33. DO MORE THAN by Dr Ellis A Chen
  34. DON'T SPEAK YOUR FILTH TO ME by Sean Lambert
  35. dont stop dreaming by josh mover
  36. DREAMING OF YOU by Jo-Julien Hicks
  37. Dreams by Adam Taylor
  38. END TIMES by Ray Rocha
  39. Endless Dream by Shane Westbrook
  40. English Nursery Rhyme
  41. Essence of your Love by William Gunn
  42. Every Day (ru) by VolodyA! V A
  43. Every Day by VolodyA! V A
  44. Excite You by Steven Daniels
  45. Exotic pain, doubles per mesure by Steven Daniels
  46. Fear Rises Within by Michael Ruth
  47. Fly To You by Robert Felton
  48. footprints by josh mover
  49. Four cheers for ignorance
  50. Freedom Fighter by Jay Powers
  51. freedom to choose comes blindingly by Leota Harriman
  52. Friend Once Told Me by Jay Powers
  53. Friends by Adam Taylor
  54. FRIENDSHIP by Calvin Sanford
  55. From prison to prison by VolodyA! V A
  57. FUCKING INSANE by Sean Lambert
  58. get a job by matt
  59. GNC or Freedom in Slavery by VolodyA! V A
  60. Hole by Stephen Macomber
  61. How Are You Feeling Today by Walter Willis
  62. HOW MANY SONGS by Sean Lambert
  63. Hurrah to Homosexuality by VolodyA! V A
  64. i am ignorant a response by matt
  65. I Need to Know by Zero-One The Deadly Gun
  66. I searched the world for you by Colin Rose
  67. I Thought of You by Michael Ruth
  68. I used to be happy and friendly to all by Travis McLeod
  69. I Wait Thee Afterlife by LaSan Bellamy
  70. I'm drowning in an ocean deep by Colin Rose
  71. If a Tree Fell in the Woods by LaSan Bellamy
  72. If US state by VolodyA! V A
  73. Ik loop rond in mihn hoofd by Mc_defeat
  74. IMAGINE by Sean Lambert
  75. In Another Life by Gary Jones
  76. In Disguise by Darryl Sensley
  77. Inseparable by Marion Wilson
  78. Je regarde dans le mirroir by Mc_defeat
  79. Kiss I seek by El Paco
  80. LACK OF RESPECT by Sean Lambert
  81. LEGIONS OF ANARCHISM by Sean Lambert
  82. Let Me Be The One by Adam Taylor
  83. Letter to a Liberal by JR
  84. Life by Lonnie R Daniel
  85. LIFE by Sean Lambert
  86. Little Pieces of my Soul by James Bass
  87. Little Truth by LaSan Bellamy
  88. Living a Life by Z-1 The Deadly Gun
  89. Lonely Man by Antonio Carrillo
  90. Lost Chance by Christopher Crowder
  91. Luke Warm Brain Salad by VolodyA! V A
  92. LUV & HATE by Ray Rocha
  94. MAKE THE PIE HIGHER by George W Bush
  95. MANDATORY DRUG TESTING by Sean Lambert
  96. Marathon by josh mover
  97. Meaning of Anarchy by VolodyA! V A
  98. Meet Me Half Way by LaSan Bellamy
  99. Message by Russel Kloskin
  100. Mind Over Matter by LaSan Bellamy
  101. Morning Glory by Trevor Purkett
  102. Morons and Hyporcites by josh mover
  103. My Friends by Adam Taylor
  104. My Little Statement by LaSan Bellamy
  105. My will is easy to decide by Joe Hill
  106. Nam ne nuzhno chempionov by VolodyA! V A
  107. New day dawns clear and bright by Chrisopher Crowder
  108. old glory by Andrew Penland
  109. One Niggaz Prayer by Anthony Godfrey
  110. Ordene comandante by Antonio Guerrero
  111. Other Of Another by Jay Powers
  112. Over the years by Lana David
  113. PERFECT MAN by George Jeffries
  114. Please by my two cents
  115. POLITICAL PRISONERS by Sean Lambert
  116. PREACH TO THE CONVERTED by Sean Lambert
  117. PRISONER'S WIVES by Reginald S Lewis
  118. Promise VanTrae Gregory
  119. Protester Anthem by greg gribble
  120. RATM by VolodyA! V A
  121. Rats are leaving the planet by VolodyA! V A
  122. REALITY ASYLUM by Sean Lambert
  123. Religio by Daniel Murphy
  124. RIGHT SOMEONE by Thomas Dillio
  125. Rome by alec
  126. Sending My Heart by Rubin Linares
  127. shitty aint pretty a shout back
  128. short little thing by that mark guy
  129. Show Me A Sign by Desi R Sykes
  130. Show Me The Way by Adam Taylor
  131. Sink or Float by josh mover
  132. Situations by Sidney Little
  133. Slave's Worth by VolodyA! V A
  135. Solitude and Seclusion by Nathan L Rose
  136. Some persons are crazy by VolodyA! V A
  137. Song That Even Children Can Understand by rich
  138. STANGE FRUIT by Lewis Allen & Billie Holiday
  139. Story of Past and Present by VolodyA! V A
  140. SUBMERGED by Sean Lambert
  141. SWEET CHILD by Ray Rocha
  142. There's no kid that never cried by VolodyA! V A
  143. They sold their souls for Penny Rolls by John Missett
  144. THEY'RE COMING AFTER YOU by Sean Lambert
  145. Thinking Of You by Adam Taylor
  146. Thought For The Day by Jay Powers
  147. three cheers for ignorance
  148. THROUGH THEIR EYES by Sean Lambert
  149. TIRED by Sean Lambert
  150. To My Judge by VolodyA! V A
  151. To that someone special out there by David Dodd
  152. To the World by VolodyA! V A
  153. Today another king is gone by Donald M Carter
  154. Tripping With a Girl Named Serenity by Russel Kloskin
  155. Troubles by Chrisopher Crowder
  156. Truth by John
  157. Turn Out The Lights by LaSan Bellamy
  158. UHF by VolodyA! V A
  159. Undetermined Poet Laureate by LaSan Bellamy
  160. Valentine, valentine, I pose the question by Jose Villaman
  161. VERBAL ABUSE by Sean Lambert
  162. Violent Purple by Jay Powers
  163. Volunteer by Philip Curicio
  164. Voskresnyy Dyen' by VolodyA! V A
  165. WAR SELLS by Sean Lambert
  166. Warm Days Thoughts by Robert Felton
  167. wasted by matthew brilliant
  168. We cannot change our past by VolodyA! V A
  169. We meet today in freedom by IWW
  170. we should have more poems by matt
  171. What If by VolodyA! V A
  172. What's Yet To Come by Jay Powers
  173. When Gendarme Sleeps by VolodyA! V A
  174. WHEN WILL THE GENOCIDE STOP by Sean Lambert
  175. With Time Enough for Love by Alex Duncan
  176. World Is Not Gone by Jay Powers
  177. World's Gift by Trevor Purkett
  178. WTO Introduces Itself by VolodyA! V A
  179. ya tvoyo vypazheniye sraha by A Nikonov
  180. Yesterday by Marion Wilson
  181. you blinch i flinch powerless by Leota Harriman
  182. YOU CALL THAT FOOD by Sean Lambert

Looking back




  1. 0 for Operator by Joshua Ariel Mover
  2. 18 Ways to Say I Love You by Sanjeeb
  3. 5 Ways to Say I Love You by Dyan L Gomes
  4. Aliens Poem by Unknown
  5. All I Have to Give by Cara G. Stanfield
  6. Alone by Unknown
  7. America by Unknown
  8. Ars Poetica by Jorge Luis Borges
  9. As the flags continue to be raised by Unknown
  10. Baked red playground simmers by erranous
  11. Ballada (kotoraya mogla-by byt' lyubovnoy) by VolodyA! V A
  12. Being spoiled by America by Nicole D. Rhoe
  13. Between Going and Staying by Octavio Paz
  14. BOYZ by Unknown
  15. Can you answer with a question by VolodyA! V A
  16. CHRISTINA'S WORLD by erranous
  17. Cien Sonetos de Amor by Unknown
  18. Civilization by Unknown
  19. Clarity by D.H. Rumsfeld
  20. Decalogue of the Artist by Gabriela Mistral
  21. Dinosaur Poem by Unknown
  22. Don't Lose The WAR by MBJ
  23. Down to the students of America by Unknown
  25. Fallen Tear by Melissa C. Minyon
  26. False Freedom by Unknown
  27. Five-year-old girl lies naked on the floor by Unknown
  28. Forgiveness Poem by Matthew Levi Dixon
  29. Freedom by Unknown
  30. from the frist time.... by lisa kathleen johnson
  31. Getting Over You by Brandi Michelle Lamb
  32. Good-Bye by Pretty?N?Pink
  33. Goodbye, My Love by Bug
  34. Govoryat, chno tak nel'zya by VolodyA! V A
  35. Happenings by D.H. Rumsfeld
  36. Headlines by Unknown
  37. Here It Comes Again by Unknown
  38. Hoffnung, Ziel und Zweifel by Juergen Buchmueller
  39. holla kid Me by Unknown
  40. Honesty by Unknown
  41. How Can I Say This by Unknown
  42. How do I make you see what I see by Unknown
  43. How Much I Love You by Blink182GirlE
  44. I am a Rock by VolodyA! V A
  45. I Died for Love by Unknown
  46. I Have a Spell In Chequer by Unknown
  47. I Know by Unknown
  48. I Love the Way by Abigail
  49. I Love You by Marc
  50. If I Could Look to the Future... by Unknown
  51. Inferno by Unknown
  52. I'll Be Here by Unknown
  53. Life Has to Go On by Fire_girl
  54. Long Distance Love by Unknown
  55. Lost in the Moment by Unknown
  56. LOVE by Unknown
  57. Mad Day at the University by Unknown
  58. Maggie's Farm by Rage Against The Machine
  59. Missing You by Donna Jacobs Derbes
  60. Musician by Ren Weidman
  61. My Poem to Rick by Unknown
  62. My Poem to the Nigga's by Unknown
  63. N and EFL, My Two Favorite Things by Mister_Goodpants
  64. Naked by chemicalhappiness
  65. Netu, netu kommunizma by VolodyA! V A
  66. NEW POEM Sorry by Unknown
  67. Next Chapter by Unknown
  68. Nigger by VolodyA! V A
  69. Not Another Mirror, Please. by halocy
  70. One Simple Question by Robert Aaron Nail
  71. Original Poem by Unknown
  72. Peace and Love by VolodyA! V A
  73. Pit l'Insane by James Bauhaus
  74. Politician's Escape Limerick Satire by James Bauhaus
  75. PORA... by Woland Margo
  76. Pulse by Unknown
  77. Refuse by Unknown
  78. Regrets by Unknown
  79. Sabbath Evening Peace Prayer by Nicole Rhoe
  80. Slopping the Prisoners or Crook Chow by James Bauhaus
  81. So my darling there you are by Unknown
  83. Space These Walls Create by Chuck Lewis
  84. Still in Love with You by Cathy a.k.a Babylove
  85. Stuperbowl Sunday by Enver
  86. sunbeam on your leg by halocy
  87. Take Back the Crown by Juergen Buchmueller
  88. Tear On My Pillow by David?G?Teves
  89. Terrorism by MBJ
  90. Text of Poem by Ella Grainger
  91. THAT WAS YESTERDAY by M. J. Steele
  92. The TV is my Shepherd by Unknown
  93. Total Jerk by Unknown
  94. Triple 'A' Cards by James Bauhaus
  95. Truth... by John
  96. u DoNt DeSeRvE Me by Unknown
  97. What am I Feeling by Unknown
  98. What If by Unknown
  99. What Is the Morality of Civilized Education by Unknown
  100. Why Do I Cry by BrandiWine
  101. Why do I feel so helpless by Michael Reaven
  102. Why I Love You by Hilary D Ray
  103. Why I Love You by Unknown
  104. Will We Ever Meet Again by ITSme
  105. Wishing on a Star by Cheryl Ann
  106. You Are the One by Bianca Aimee Najera
  107. You by Jane H.
  108. YoU dOnT LuV TeReSa?eLeNa?GoTaY
  109. You Were Once... by Lily Tchen
  110. Your arms wrapped around me at the show by Unknown

Looking back

Poetry by topic

Love poetry




Prison abolition


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