If you would like to submit something simply contact me by any meens provided.
Volodya@WhenGendarmeSleeps.org (GnuPG)
253627744 (ethical_anarhist)
ethical_anarhist (as soon as i get it to work with Gaim)
VolodyA! Mozhenkov
Altuf'yevskoye sh. d 89 kv 122
Moscow 127576
(Do not write anything except the name above on the envelope, nothing that speaks of the zine)
My nick is ping_win and i could be found on #circled_a (on EFNet, UnderNet, DalNet) and on some other channels... just /whois me.
What is Freedom Network Project?
Coming soon.
What is JTC Frost?
VolodyA! V A@r0pa7z7JA1hAf2xtTt7AKLRe+yw (GnuPG)
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